Personal Branding and Differentiating Yourself
In the modern era, the term “branding” means more than what comes to mind when you think of a particular company or product. Brands in the traditional sense are everywhere, but now it’s more critical than ever for individuals to brand themselves as well.
Why Do You Need a Personal Brand?
You are competing with lots of experienced talent in the market. Your personal brand signals what you stand for, what you’ve accomplished, and what you’re capable of achieving. Having a personal brand provides key advantages when it comes to finding a new job and staying relevant in your career.
Personal Branding consists of combining your talents, skills, goals, interests and accomplishments in a way that sets you apart and builds space between you and other job seekers. It’s equally important to have a marketing strategy to promote yourself, especially in today’s competitive job market. A personal brand is essential when marketing your services and your value to employers.
A significant number of job seekers are still using outdated strategies and methods when a creative, state of the art, digital approach can elevate your personal brand and distance your identity ahead of other candidates. For example, a strong online social media branding program that includes a complete and active LinkedIn profile is still a strong differentiator.
Five Tips for Branding Yourself
- Strategically define your brand – be known as an expert.
- Establish a presence – digitally and in person.
- Generate brand awareness through consistently applied networking.
- Remember the 3 Cs of branding… Clarity, Consistency, and Constancy.
- Clarity: your brand needs to be clear about what you do and do not represent. Are you creative or analytical? Do not be ambiguous.
- Consistency: This requires that you present yourself in the same light each time you communicate your brand. This consistency needs to be in your stated values and made visible in your actions.
- Constancy: Once you define your brand, commit to it, meaning that it is visibly dependable.
- Get feedback from those who know you best—at work, at home, anywhere.
Delivering What Employers Want
Hiring managers are scouring the web, just like everyone else. For them, the task is researching and comparing job applicants. Make sure that when your name and profile pop up in a search, they’ll find information that’s complimentary and favorable as well as informative; that shows you in your best light. Then you’ll be ahead of the game!
Consistency that Evolves
A consistent personal brand lets potential employers know that you are goal-oriented and have a master plan for your career, or at least a focused strategy to achieve your goals. A consistent personal brand is a marketing tool that serves as your own personal billboard, one that evolves and changes over time as you grow, and your career story unfolds.
Use Your Brand
Use your personal brand to tell your story, explain your core values, and offer details about skills and passions that may not come up in traditional job-search formats.
Ready to Elevate Your Personal Brand?
Career Exchange Solutions will help you build a strong social media profile that catches the attention of recruiters. You’ll effectively use LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms to craft and display an outstanding and compelling professional profile.