Frequently Asked Questions

Should I hire a Career Coach in my next job search?

The answer is Yes!  Regardless of your position, title, responsibility or gender, executive coaching yields an ROI of almost six times its cost according to a major study of one hundred executives from Fortune 1000 companies.

According to Robert Half’s Job Optimism Survey, 46% of U.S. men and women wanted to change their careers, and many who are unhappy in their current positions go on to find more fulfilling careers.

If you are a senior executive, middle management, first line manager, team leader or entry level job seeker, coaching is the BEST investment you can make for yourself, family, and career. Career coaches are experts in career planning, leadership, problem solvers, conflict management, resume building, interviewing skills, salary negotiating, and personal branding as a differentiator.  Good career coaches have worked within an industry for quite some time have years of experience which gives them unique insight.

Career Exchange Coaching will provide you with one-on-one coaching, guidance, and mentoring.  Together we will build a strategy, and an all-inclusive business plan that is tailored exclusively to your personal goals, needs and desired compensation.

When should I hire a Career Coach?

You should immediately be looking for a Career Coaching and understand the options available to you so you can learn and make an educated decision.
According to Vicki Salemi, a Monster career expert, job coaches usually have experience in recruiting or human resources. “Whether you’re just starting out and unsure which path to take, hoping to chase a new passion, or you’re ready to move to the next level, getting an outside perspective from a professional can be extremely helpful.” A good career coach with experience will focus on leadership, expertise, and value-driven client services. A good career coach can be with you your entire career as a mentor, coach or just a person to speak to about business issues.

What kind of experience do Career Coaches have?

Career coaches are individuals who have extensive hands-on personal experience in business, industry, and with people. They are good listeners with common sense and experts in their chosen field. They usually have experience in human resources, recruiting, talent acquisition, consulting, mentoring and problem solving. The best coaches are always learning new skills and techniques by earning professional designations, certifications, writing featured articles for publications, public speaking engagements and from clients. They are professional subject matter experts who will share their market experiences to help others.

What exactly does Career Exchange Coaching specialize in?

Our expertise is to assist you with a New Job Search, Resume Critiquing, Cover Letters, Interviewing Skills, Salary Negotiations, Transitioning, Burnout, Differentiation/Personal Branding, Leader Skills, Business Work Issues and Work and Lifestyle Balance.

Can Coaching help advise and direct me in my current position?

Absolutely! With all of the different personalities, working styles and diverse opinions, workplace disagreements are inevitable. According to Dr. Tyrone Holmes, Ed. D, CPT this is especially true in today’s working environments where people can have dramatically different values, communication styles and personalities. Whether you are in a senior management position or responsible for a department or team, conflict management skills combined with emotional intelligence can help you avoid negative influence and direct your communications and actions toward productive ends and achievable goals.

What Differentiates Career Exchange Coaching from other firms?

  • Private one-on-one personalized coaching
  • Affordable costs
  • Thirty years of experience helping individuals find new jobs and careers
  • Expert in coaching, mentoring, training to solve issues and problems
  • Focus on work / lifestyle balance for better personal and business outcomes
  • Career work experience with four Fortune 500 global / international companies
  • Filled open corporate positions with hundreds of executives and job seekers in the U.S. and globally
  • Integrity, Empathy, Respect, Transparency, and Authenticity
  • Career Exchange Coaching spans multiple workforce verticals / industries
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction

What is the cost for Career Coaching?

Every situation and individual’s needs are different. We will customize a cost-effective program that fits your budget based upon your level of experience and responsibility as listed below.

Entry Level job seekers
Middle Management
Executive/Senior Management based on experience, circumstances, and expertise.

What is my contract obligation?

Each coaching session is a 1-hour long meeting once a week for 10 consecutive weeks.

Additional coaching sessions are available if requested. If a conflict effects your scheduled coaching appointment, you must send a text, email, or call 24 hours in advance with a day and time to reschedule the coaching. This allows us to reschedule additional clients in your time slot.

My career is falling apart! What can I do?

In every challenge or failure there is a seed for success, the key is finding it and growing along with it. – Napoleon Hill

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